The final nail in the coffin of many excellent DIY projects is when it becomes time to hang up your masterpiece. Do you use nails, glue or a magnetic board to hang things up? If you’re like most of us, probably some combination of the three. If you like to DIY, you’ve probably already experienced the pain and frustration of trying to get a heavy object up and in place with a nail, some glue and an iron.
Do you find yourself struggling to hang heavy picture frames with nails? If so, you may be one of the millions of people that finds that nails — or any sharp metal objects — can barely hang a picture frame with minimal effort. This is because when you hold a nail between your thumb and forefinger, the nail is very close to your wrist, and is extremely uncomfortable. If you try to hang a picture frame with your nails, you’ll likely experience pain in your wrist, and within a few minutes you’ll realize your hand and wrist hurts, and is in need of a break.
Ever tried hanging a heavy picture frame using only two nails? If so, you know how difficult it can be. You may even have tried using a hammer and nail, but this results in chips and dents in the wood. So what’s the alternative? The answer is easy to find on the internet, but it may not be the answer you are looking for.
The guide to how to hang up heavy frames without nails using alternatives such as command strips and hooks, as well as a hook and loop tape. Living in rental accommodations can be a drag. You don’t get to completely customize your space for fear of damaging it and ultimately incurring costs for repairs before you move out.
One frequent issue is figuring out how to hang large, hefty frames without harming the walls. This may seem to be difficult at first, but you can accomplish it!
What’s more astonishing is that no nails, hammers, or drills of any kind are required as part of the solution. Here are some options to make it feasible, so your walls may live out the remainder of their life without being damaged!
When it comes to mounting large frames on the wall, there are three options other than nails and hammers. In a nutshell, they are as follows:
Strips of Command – These are the most popular and perhaps the simplest to use. Hooks on Command – These are designed for large frames weighing between 50 and 80 pounds. Hook and loop tapes are useful when working with rough surfaces.
Command Strips
These command strips are available on Amazon [affiliate link].
Using command strips to hang large frames without drilling a hole in the wall is probably the most frequent method.
The backs of these strips contain simple adhesives that stick to the wall. Furthermore, they are the preferred method for displaying lightweight items such as posters, miniature frames, and papers on the wall.
If you need to hang anything heavy, Velcro-type command strips are an option. Command strips in the form of Velcro are designed especially for hanging hefty frames. Find out more about how high to hang curtains in our guide.
They are typically available in a variety of sizes and can carry a variety of weights. However, if you want to be extra cautious, you may use several command strips to securely fasten the frame to the wall.
These strips are a great option since they guarantee that there will be no gaps between your frames and the wall, resulting in a smoother, more seamless appearance.
Command Hooks
[sponsored link] Check out these command hooks on Amazon.
If you have heavy items to hang, such as full glass mirrors and the like, the command strips may not be strong enough to hold the weight. As a result, command hooks should be used instead.
Command hooks can typically support objects weighing up to 7.5 pounds. If the item or art piece you want to hang is much heavier, you may use several command hooks and line them up against the wall to completely hold the weight of the things.
Unlike command strips, which are entirely flat against the wall when fitted, command hooks protrude from the wall. This appearance, which is evocative of how certain art works are exhibited in an art gallery, may appeal to some individuals.
Tape with hooks and loops
[sponsored link] Check out this hook and loop tape on Amazon.
Hook and loop tapes, which are essentially double-sided Velcro tapes, are one of the most fascinating technical inventions.
If you have a piece of art décor that you really want to put on your walls but aren’t sure how to do it without harming the wall, hook and loop tapes may be the best option.
The hook side has the fuzzy surface, but the loop side is where the magic occurs. It’s a fully plastic piece with two-way facing hooks that can hold up to 16 pounds of weight—which is impressive considering it’s just a 100 mm strip!
There’s no need to drill a hole in your wall if you’re dealing with a very hefty piece of décor, such as a mirror or anything similar, since hook and loop tape will suffice.
It’s remarkable how revolutionary and creative house design has gotten in recent years. With today’s technology advances, there’s no need to harm your walls.
Aside from these three options, there are a few more methods to hang your items on the wall without causing permanent damage. The first option would be to put up a pegboard. You may also purchase a cork wall on which you can pin your items immediately.
Removing them off the wall, on the other hand, sometimes requires more effort than the actual spackling. The three frame hanging tools we mentioned before are still your best options.
How to Hang Heavy Picture Frames Without Using Nails
You’re definitely racing through everything right now so you can get to the most essential part: hanging your frames.
To begin, keep in mind that your walls will need some basic prep work, which isn’t too difficult. To get the most of our frame hanging tool options, you just need to make sure that the surface of your wall is clean and dry.
The majority of these solutions need the use of strong adhesives. Keep in mind that these options won’t work if you have a serious problem with your walls. So, beginning with command hooks, here are the procedures for preparing your walls:
Prepare the surfaces of the walls.
Store-bought cleansers, a DIY soap-water combination, or (our personal favorite) a liberal application of isopropyl alcohol are all options. Because it does not include the harmful denaturants found in other kinds of alcohol, isopropyl alcohol is highly recommended.
To guarantee that the adhesives will function properly, wash off the wall surface with paper towels or a clean cloth and let it to dry.
Use a light pencil to outline your regions.
You don’t want to be a scatterbrain. After you’ve cleaned the surface, gently mark out the area where you’ll be installing your frames.
Keep in mind that you must be very exact in order to avoid making any costly errors later on in the process.
It’s time to put them in!
Remove the protective covers from the command hooks and line them with the light pencil marks you’ve created on the wall.
Once you’re satisfied with their placement, push them down for up to 30 seconds or longer to ensure complete adhesion to the surface.
Give them a chance.
When you’re finished, don’t hang your frames straight immediately. Allow the adhesives additional time to practically adhere to the wall in the meanwhile.
This may take up to an hour, but patience and faith in the process are essential.
If the adhesives come off, there are only two possibilities: either you didn’t follow the procedure properly from the beginning, or your frames are just too hefty for the hooks to hold.
Don’t give up just yet if you believe your plans have gone through due to the latter. The next time you try to hang the frame on your wall, line up several command hooks to disperse the weight and really take in the frame’s entire weight.
Using command strips, on the other hand, is your best option if you want a more seamless appearance. You’ll need to prepare your wall and keep it clean and dry, just as in the directions above.
After you’ve finished with the wall preparations, you’ll need to perform the following:
They should be peeled away.
Remove the protective covers from the command strips and connect the bottom sections of each strip so that one is on top of the other.
After that, you’ll hear a cracking sound, which indicates that the sides have properly joined and the strips are completely functioning.
Keep in mind that hanging a rectangle frame on the wall will need at least four strips.
Put them in there.
Now is the time to glue the strips to the rear of the frame. Meanwhile, it’s up to you to determine how many command strips you’ll need for your frame, but bear in mind the size of the frame while doing so.
Four strips are ideal for a regular-sized frame weighing about five pounds. However, at the end of the day, it’s still better to use your own judgment.
Before hanging it on the wall, use a leveler.
This stage will most likely need an additional set of hands, but with a little creativity, you can do it on your own.
Hold the frame up and place a leveler on top of it, or have someone else do it while you search for the ideal location for the frame on the wall.
Simply push the painting against the wall once you’re happy with it, and you’re done! To provide a more secure hold, pound down the frame corners with your fists.
Finally, hook and loop tapes may be used as a nail substitute. This is the kind of Velcro that is used to hang not just frames on the wall, but also curtains, hanging textiles, and even plaques.
Hook and loop tapes are excellent since they can be used on textured walls as well. Command hooks and strips, on the other hand, are only suitable for walls with a flat and smooth surface.
Meanwhile, hanging hook and loop tapes on the wall follows the same steps as hanging frames with command strips.
So, if you’re going to hang hefty frames on the wall, you can certainly avoid using nails. You may put an end to your wall-spackling woes and unleash your creativity without ever causing damage to your walls.
Check out our advice on how high to hang photos for additional information on how to hang hefty frames with nails.
One of the most challenging parts of hanging heavy frames is hanging the back of the frame. This is because the back of the frame is often filled with nails, which makes it very difficult to hang the frame correctly. This is because the nails move around, causing the back of the frame to tilt forward. This can make it very difficult to hang the frame straight. However, there is a quick and easy way to hang the back of the frame, which will make it much easier to hang the frame straight.. Read more about how to hang paintings without nails and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you hang a heavy picture frame?
Its best to use a picture hanger, which can be found at any hardware store.
How do you hang pictures without damaging walls?
There are many ways to hang pictures without damaging walls. One way is to use a picture wire, which can be found at most hardware stores. Another option is to use Command Picture Hanging Strips, which can also be found at most hardware stores.
Do Command Strips work for heavy pictures?
Yes, Command Strips work for heavy pictures.
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