Nothing is more annoying (in terms of cleanliness) than when beautiful bathroom floor tiles and kitchen windows are dirty and stained with dirt, food stains and mould. There are limits to what you can do with devices, but apart from that, creativity is your friend when it comes to giving your tile and backsplash a fresh new look.
…let’s look at 17 ways to clean tile joints, shall we?
#1 Give the waffle with vinegar and bicarbonate of baking soda to makefloat.
Here is a good tip for cleaning tile joints without using aggressive chemicals. Take baking soda and apply it to the cement, making sure it covers the cement completely – use your fingers to place the baking soda in the cracks. Then take some vinegar and put it in a siphon.
After you have given the mixture a few minutes to follow its natural course, grab the joint brush and brush off any dirt that has accumulated in the mixture before lowering the remaining dirt back into the grout.
You will see a dirty appearance due to the combination of dirt and mortar mix. Make sure you have a bowl of water to rinse the brush head off the floor cloth so that the dirt does not get back onto the floor tiles. Do not add too much water to the surface of the tile, because you want the tile to retain its granular appearance so that it is easy to clean.
After cleaning the tiles, wipe them thoroughly with a washcloth or paper towels, then wipe off any additional soda residue to prevent it from forming – this will compromise the purpose of cleaning the joint.
Fantastic – no anxiety, no aggressive chemicals and almost no muscles.
#2 Use a strong brush to scrub the lines.
This step is so simple and requires only three things that most households carry with them. You’ll need a launderette, bleach and soda.
Take a medium mixing bowl and mix the bleach and soda into a paste, similar to a machete. The dimensions are 3/4 cups baking soda, 1/4 cups bleach, and mix with a scrubbing brush.
Brush the mixture over the joints and leave to stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
After the required 5 to 10 minutes, you will see that the bleach has done most of the work for you. Take your toothbrush and brush in a circular motion. After about 5 to 10 minutes, rinse the tiles with a cloth to remove the dirt – or with a hand shower.
If your tiles are wet, they look even darker. Don’t worry, once the tiles are dry, they’ll be great!
#3 Repair of the operating groove
Here we have an affordable solution for restoring joints that will cost you no more than $10. The secret arsenal is a polyblend and an old toothbrush. The exact name of the joint improvement is Polyblend Grout Improvement. There are many colours to choose from, but for a sleek, fresh look we have chosen a white colour palette. It cost $10 for a polyblend and a toothbrush to complete the project. The special thing about the Polyblend restoration is that it contains a sealant that prevents dirt and liquids from adhering to the cleanly painted tiles.
The first step is to squeeze a small amount of the polyethylene mixture on the tip of your toothbrush, as if you were brushing your teeth. Then paint the tile line and make sure that every piece of grout is covered. Once the grout has had time to cure and dry, use a cloth or paper towel to remove excess grout.
This won’t be a quick process because you have to work on each tile individually and, depending on the size of the area you are working on, you can spend the whole day on this project, but the results will be excellent.
#4 DeGrim this annoying plaster containing hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate of soda
Do you want quick and affordable detoxification advice? Hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. That’s all she wrote. Everyone should have a bottle of peroxide at home, because it’s very versatile. Mix 50% baking soda with 50% peroxide and use an old toothbrush. Lubricate the joints with cooking liquid and rub in the joint surfaces. Wait about thirty minutes and rinse.
#5 Five methods for effective brush removal
All this time I used an ingredient called tartar cream for my meringue and to fill my diaper cakes, while I could have used many more. I had an egg slicer in my hand when I could have used it to clean my house. You read it right: the crème de la crème of tartar for the household.
Here are five ways to use the cream of tartar to clean your home.
Clean the drain – 1/4 cup tartar cream, 1 cup baking soda and finally 1 cup salt. Pour your mixture down the drain like Drano. Then pour 2 cups of hot water to rinse the drain at the same time as the mixture. Some kind of detox drain.
Restoration of pots and pans with burnt spots.
Make a ratio of 1:1 with the tartar and baking powder cream and adjust if necessary, but measure it evenly. Add a little liquid detergent; a few drops should be enough and mix well. Pour the mixture over the burnt layer, then add hot water and let it stand for a few minutes. After a few minutes, remove the brush from the scrubber dryer and finish that terrible burning look.
The dirty penny’s gone.
Give your copper materials a new look thanks to the scale. All you need is two tablespoons of this powerful ingredient, then a tablespoon of lemon juice and rub it on the copper, then rinse – wow! The things we take in can be so powerful in cleaning our homes.
Stains on coffee cups and teacups
We all like a good cup of tea and coffee, but unfortunately our cups want to enjoy the taste in the form of stains a little longer. However, if you mix baking powder, lemon juice and of course tartar in a paste, you will get rid of these coffee and tea stains.
Kitchen accessories
Use a microfiber cloth, warm water and a tartar cream to remove stains.
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